Where I came from, living with thirty
other mares and foals, food was on a first-come first-served basis.
30 horses meant 30 buckets of
pienso in the trough then the
hay and alfalfa in the middle of the large paddock. At the trough who
ever ate faster got more, so I became a vacuum cleaner and worried
about chewing later. Girls all kind of gang up and get into groups,
each group helping the other members to food, grooming, water etc. I
just couldn't quite fit into any of the groups so kind of hung out by
myself, maybe talking to some of the ponies or younger males on the
other side of the fences. My name is Cariño and I am a registered
PRE brood mare, with a blood line to make you all jealous. I have had
three colts, all spectacular. I lived on a farm where the man just
loves horses so he has them for a hobby. He has another job to make
money to pay for us all. A few times a year he likes to take all his
friends out for a jolly and a paella in the
campo, so they all
arrive with bread, wine,
chorizo and all the fixings for a
good day out. They each get to choose their horse. I got picked quite
often because I love going out on excursions and I am not afraid of
anything. I loved those outings because other than that I was pretty
much alone in the paddock because the girls didn't really like me
much, until one day, a strange man came to look at us. He looked at
me and I looked at him. He asked our man if I could come out so he
could talk to me. The next time he came, I came out of the paddock
but not just for a talk, we went for a trail ride. There was
something very special about this new man and I think he thought I
was special too. A few weeks later he came back and gave our man a
wad of really wet money; it had fallen out of his pocket while he
was showering me after a ride. I don't know what happened but next
thing I knew I was at a new place with the new man together with a
big fat thing they called a therapy horse. She looked like a sofa to
me. We had really good food in my new house and I got along with
Cookie, the therapy horse, except she liked to eat really slowly so I
would vacuum down my
pienso and kick her out of her stall and
eat hers too. Boy, this was great and easy too, she just went to the
big box and ate hay and alfalfa. There was always stuff in the big
box so after a few weeks of pigging out I realized that I could take
a break sometimes and there would still be food left. I had a lack of
salt and minerals when I was young so I loved to put everything in my
mouth; still do. They got me a salt and mineral block but I never
tried it until one day a new horse arrived. I thought I was pretty
good size, but wow, this was some big black mare. As soon as she came
into the paddock she ran straight to the salt block and looked like a
cow, liking it for ages then she drank half the bath tub. I guess she
didn't have one either at her old place, but she knew she needed one.
The new horse was called Frisona; stupid owner didn't know that is
what her breed is in Spanish and thought it was her name, well now
she is stuck with it. She had also lived with thirty other mares and
youngsters and all the hay was in one huge box with a roof on it but
they didn't have the trough for
pienso. This was getting
better and better, I could eat so fast that I could finish mine, kick
Cookie out eat hers and still have plenty of time to eat Frisona's.
Frisona had to eat lots of times a day and in small quantities until
she got used to the
pienso but then boy, jack pot, I was on a
diet and she had to gain a lot of weight so in the end she got fed
three times a day and I could kick her out every time and eat it all
myself. Now I really needed to be on a diet, they said I had a
Michelin, I don't know what that is but they were all laughing and
grabbing handfuls of my fat. All of this came to an end; gates went
up poles went in.

I was locked in my stall until the other girls had
finished then they let me out but I got my way at the big box. I
found that if I came at it looking really mad, ears back, head out;
you know the look, the others would step back just long enough for me
to get my head in the box then I could keep my head there and walk
around the box kicking at anyone that came near. If they put their
head in the box I just bit them and they left, but then the lady
human got really mad. Well they tried everything, electric fence,
dividing the paddock with the other two on one side and me on the
other. I outsmarted them on every move. I pulled the plug on the
bathtub so many times we have had to buy lots of new ones, I opened
the gates. I'm so talented, I don't know where to begin. Well, today
my life was ruined..They took Cookie away a few days ago, to go back
to work with disabled people in Barcelona, sad for our children that
rode her every week but great for the disabled people at her new
place. You see, Cookie can carry a lot of weight and stand still for
a long time and is very gentle and not too tall so she is really good
for people in wheel-chairs. I've watched her. People do the strangest
things on her but they always seem to be happier and feel better when
they get off. Even people who don't like horses like Cookie: she just
has one of those magnetic characters. Well, back to me because she is
gone. While Cookie was here on vacation during the summer, when she
wasn't working with the children, Frisona moved to the other side of
the paddock so she would stop rubbing her mane and tail. See, Frisona
is really delicate, she may look big and tough but she is just a
gentle giant and even the flies and mosquitoes get the best of her. I
did too, biting and kicking her. Now she is on the other side and we
also have an electric fence between us. She is starting to heal from
all of her wounds from rubbing and from me biting. Today it hit me
and I felt very sad and all alone. I could eat and drink all I
wanted, no one to bother me, well, that was the problem there was no
one for me to bother, so I just stood and watched Frisona while she
slowly ate her food. Remember that strange man that came to see me?
Well he has something very special about him and he saw something
very special in me. Even though there were lots of mares, he knew
instantly that I was his. That lady again, made him go look at other
horses to be sure I was the right one and every time he saw another
one he said no, Cariño is for me. He called me that – it
means darling. We have such a special relationship, some people think
I can be a bit of a bitch or hard to handle because I don't like to
work or learn in the ring but I love trail riding and so does my
special man. He doesn't care about dressage or any of that stuff, he
just likes to brush me and talk to me and take him out riding.. He
loves me just the way I am and I love him the same way. Somehow I
think we are soul mates and meant to be together. Every once in a
while you find that very special someone just like I think that lady
has found with Frisona. The four of us are all kind of difficult in
our own ways but we seem to be just the piece that was missing to
make the other better.